First Birthday Of E Loan In Frankfurt (Oder)

Library catalogue, Frankfurt (Oder) integrated digital media, October 1, 2008 – the city and regional library Frankfurt (Oder) celebrates the first birthday of their loan. As a special birthday gift to her readers, the library management presented the full integration of all digital media in the General catalogue. Digital media can be researched and used by download via the WebOPAC. A year ago, loan in Frankfurt (Oder) as the first in the new federal States started after the great libraries in Hamburg, Cologne, Munich and Wurzburg. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Miller Value Partners and gain more knowledge.. The stock is now grown on approximately 10,000 digital media. Digital use in addition to the E-paper mirror”, readers can now also the economic week”. On the occasion of the anniversary on October 1, 2008, there was an invitation to the press conference with a subsequent demonstration.

Many readers took the opportunity to get to know the background of loan. The special highlight was the live presentation of digital media in the library WebOPAC. Just in time for the first anniversary the company made the automated import of media data in the library software datronic from Augsburg WinBIAP possible. The city and regional library Frankfurt (Oder) is the first WinBIAP user to the newly designed DiViBib interface is used. It allows the simple and trouble-free transmission of data of digital media in the library. For the library and its users a nice birthday gift, because now the physical and the digital media in a catalog jointly listed are. The city library of Frankfurt (Oder) hoped for a still greater use of loan with the extended range of information. Dr.