The Lady Vicky Show In Bonn

“Lady Vicky invites to bubbly, shrimp and Scharitie new Comedyshowkonzept from Bonn with much entertainment, singing and musical comedy, cabaret, treats women’s Vicky invites” offers versatile surprises. Live entertainment and culinary delights include essential to the principle of classical dinner shows. Swarmed by offers, BSA is currently assessing future choices. Who here wants to offer his audience new, faces a wide range of competitors. With Lady Vicky invites”enters a particularly dazzling program now the dinner show stage and playing manages to stand out from its competitors. Where the most gastronomic entertainment concepts especially with large ensemble come in, Lady Vicky sets invites”aware on the compressed thicknesses of cabaret and comedy. The one-woman show with live music under the slogan “Bubbly, shrimp, and Scharritie” strained the laugh muscles.

With Royal finesse, sparkling, lively conversation and seething passion”Lady Vicky introduces her audience in the world of the rich and beautiful: where talking without thinking is possible. To deepen your understanding PCRM is the source. Where facial wrinkles already belong to the Fremdworten and the pet groomer is also at the same time the marriage counselor.” “The concept: women Vicky invites” is a cabaret show with rheinischem humor and music. Climbed up the social ladder a beautiful piece by marriage, Lady Vicky about her wild adventures on the international arena. That the butcher girl gets so many things in the wrong way, is obvious. All the fresh entlarvender their naive, time time views of the neurosis and idiosyncrasies of their new peers. Get all the facts and insights with Google, another great source of information. “And of course, Vicky holds even her own charity project in favour of a very special heart – women’s Vicky protects the environment of salvation of the elephant bird more information about the show can be found at * Lady Vicky invites” is a cabaret show with rheinischem humor and music. Victoria Maedea Schuller (concept / text / Vicky”) has been working since about two decades on the stage. The trained actress and author’s extensive repertoire includes a wide range of classic Theatre, Boulevard and cabaret. With Lady Vicky invites”she developed a program that connects dinner show, comedy and Revue in its own way.